Find a charming hotel for the International Contemporary Art Fair

Looking for the perfect place to participate to FIAC

Every year in October, the International Fair of Contemporary Art (MAPIC) is a major event that brings together in Paris the most fashionable gallery owners and curators of the moment. This artistic event not only exhibits contemporary works but also awards prestigious prizes that reward the talents of the most talented artists. Many participants will come from far away to be present. This makes it absolutely necessary to book a room nearby to make the most of the fair. The best solution? A 4-star hotel located in Saint Germain des Près to be close to both the FIAC and the main sites of the City of Light. One luxury establishment in particular offers a quality service and strong arguments to convince you. The Hotel Academy, everything you need!

Book a 4-star hotel located in Saint Germain des Près

Hôtel Académie is a charming hotel located in the pretty rue des Saints Pères. It is not only this perfect location in the heart of the 7th arrondissement of Paris that makes this establishment so attractive. It is indeed a idyllic setting! This old residence of the Duke of Rohan has successfully converted into a refined boutique hotel. On the occasion of the FIAC, it became particularly popular. Especially because art lovers appreciate the proximity of the Louvre Museum. The Pont des Arts and Boulevard Saint-Germain are also located nearby. You can also easily reach many charming streets of the capital on foot, such as rue de Buci or rue Bonaparte. And for a gourmet break, what could be better than a stop at Café de Flore in the neighborhood? In terms of comfort, the Hotel Académie will offer you the best it has to offer. The 33 rooms and suites of the establishment are all equipped with modern equipment. A lounge-bar, a breakfast room and two others for the organization of seminars are also available to customers.

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